[CQ-Contest] Bad practices identified

Douglas Priest w3cf at home.com
Fri Jul 21 21:56:19 EDT 2000

Just my two cents worth but let me tell ya...You give me a nano second and I
call you on your freq and you don't answer. You just lost your freq. If you
gamble that you can QSY to 80 meters to get a mult you also gamble that your
frequency will be mine if you do not answer my call to YOU.
I will use any advantage that I can find that does not violate the SPIRIT of
the rules as I comprehend them. I actively LOOK for Multi  and SO2R's OPS
doing just what we describe here. You are running stacks and 3 hole
Commanders. We're lucky to have an SB-220 and a tri bander. You may win but
I'm going to run SOMEWHERE. There are six thousand signals on the band and
you got to elbow in.  You go "p" and I'm going to take your freq. You break
to take a bite of sandwich you better chew and swallow fast. If you let your
keyer run without a response I'm going to slide a kc and a half, turn the
antenna a bit away, and call CQ. If I get a run going I'm not moving. Its
all part of contesting. Tighten the filters and prepare for battle. No one
is guaranteed a free and uncluttered frequency. The little guns are waiting
for you to screw up...don't forget it.

C'Mon October!!!!!


Doug W3CF

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cq-contest at contesting.com
[mailto:owner-cq-contest at contesting.com]On Behalf Of
thompson at mindspring.com
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 3:15 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Bad practices identified (results summary)

My original question about what I consider two bad practices has led to a
lively discussion.

Most agree that if you leave a frequency to work a mult, then the freq is
open and free to take.  Even 30 seconds is too long let alone 90 seconds.
One way of holding the freq can border on having two signals transmitting on
a band at once. (Clearly illegal in most contests)

Most agree that  having someone hold a freq for you (pre-arranged) is not
only poor sportsmanship but makes the contestant
a multi operator usually outside location limitations.

This was not intended to be a discussion on SO2R.

Thanks es 73
Dave K4JRB

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