[CQ-Contest] Cut Numbers

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Mon Jun 5 14:10:35 EDT 2000

At 03:34 AM 6/5/00 -0000, Bob Naumann - N5NJ wrote:
>In my first WPX from outside the U.S. @ V25A (and probably the first
>serious CW WPX I've ever done) I found the cut numbers annoying in the
>serial numbers.  My team mate N3OC felt that for him, it made copy
>easier at times.
>In my case, I was unsure that I might have missed something -
>especially when signals were not very strong or there was QRM.  I had
>to ask numerous times for repeats to be sure (NR?).

Bob's absolutely right -- having each number represented by 5 elements
makes it a lot easier in QRM/N.  Many, many times on 40 last weekend I
found myself able to copy one digit of a serial number by virtue of hearing
only the beginning or the end.  Dah-dah-dit at the beginning of a number or
dah-di-dit at the end is absolutely understandable, even if the other 2
elements are lost. 

73, Pete Smith N4ZR
n4zr at contesting.com 

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