[CQ-Contest] Station Upgrades

Richard Thorne rthorne at tcac.net
Thu Jun 8 20:26:38 EDT 2000

Hi Chris:

The antennas are the way to go in my book.  Maybe you could get some used
antennas and still have enough for a new rig too.

Chris Blakely wrote:

> Hi, as a little pistol (TS430S w/ 3 el tribander @10m and wires and a small
> amp) I was wondering if my limited funds would be better spend on
> newer/better antenna's or buying one of the newer and better rigs on the
> market.....IC756 Pro, 1000Mp, IC746, FT920, ...etc?
> --
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Richard Thorne - N5ZC (Ex. KA2DSY, N2BHP, WB5M)
Amarillo, TX
Web Page: http://www.tcac.net/~rthorne/index.html

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