[CQ-Contest] Some signal strenths.....

Paulo Cesar G. Milito PT2AW pmilito at solar.com.br
Mon Mar 6 18:42:01 EST 2000

>From my side, KQ2M was the strongest signal, far away from the
others and the more important: he could copy with easy regular
stations like mine, 3 element yagi and barefoot. The other stations
have big mouth, but it seems they are quite deaf. It's hard for us
to tune a monster that's cqing, S9 strenth, and don't be even noted.

A monster, working EU, picked PT2?? and after trying 2 times, he
kept on with the recorded cq test. If he knows PT2 is Brazil (I suppose)
why dont turn the 27 elem. beam for a little while and get the full call?

I asked N4CW if I was calling in a clear qrg or if there were EU's
calling near me. He asked me a few seconds, turned the beam to EU
and answered to my question. Many thanks, Mr. Bertrand. You are a
real contester, i'm sure.

But a contest ... is a contest. There's no time to lose.

73 - PT2AW - Paulo

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