[CQ-Contest] Hy-Gain AV-640 Test Request

Ward Silver hwardsil at WOLFENET.com
Wed Mar 8 13:40:37 EST 2000

Hy all :-)

The infamous antenna testers are at it again - HF multi-band verticals
this year.  We would very much like to test a Hy-Gain AV-640 but have been
unsuccessful in penetrating the defensive shields of Hy-Gain in order to
obtain a loaner for testing.

If any AV-640 owner out there would loan us their vertical, we would be
most appreciative.  It should be in good mechanical and electrical
condition.  We will pay for shipping, give it a good cleaning, and return
it to you in as-sent condition.

No, this isn't going to be the Alpha key-down test.  It will be subjected
to 100-watts or less.  We'll treat it nice.  You, the proud loaner, will
receive a copy of the completed test report, special mention in said
report, and the accolades of your peers for being such a swell individual.

Please drop me an email - the testing is to take place in a few weeks and
the results will be available by Dayton in May.

73, Ward N0AX

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