[CQ-Contest] More on rig comparisons (TS950S)

00tlzivney at bsuvc.bsu.edu 00tlzivney at bsuvc.bsu.edu
Fri Mar 10 09:38:31 EST 2000

I have been asked about several other rigs.  The ICOM 761 and 765 were
never reviewed.  The Kenwood TS950S figures follow.  Peter Hart notes
that the 950 is much better than either the 930 or the 940.  All three
do not have measurements reported for the 3kHz spacing of tone pairs
for the dynamic range.

Spacing        3k       5k     10k     15k     20k     30

TS950S - April 1990
DR             -       83       84      90      94      -
Recip          86      90      102     107     110     113
TX noise       -       83       91      -       96      -

TS930 - May 1986
DR             -       77       87      -       91      92
Recip          77      83       89      -       97     101
TX noise       -       79       83      -       85      88

TS940 - May 1986
DR             -       76       81      -       88      91
Recip          83      89       98      -      105     110
TX noise       -       72       72      -       72      74
The TS940 has the "Lowe modification"

K1GQ discusses the "Lowe modification" in some 1986 issues of the NCJ
while noting the overall poor performance of the TS940 as a contest rig.

Terry Zivney, N4TZ/9
n4tz at arrl.net

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