[CQ-Contest] Need a ride to Cleveland

Tony Rogozinski trogo at telegraphy.com
Wed May 10 06:20:44 EDT 2000

Will be in Dayton - and probably have to attend a business 
meeting in New York on monday so looking for a ride from
Dayton to Cleveland on sunday morning so that I can catch
a flight to NYC at 1400 local.   Can anyone help?  Plans not
100% definite  yet but need to know if it's possible.  Alternate
would be Indy for a 1600 local flight but less desireable 
connections.  Please respond via email or call me at 800.848.1572


Tony N7BG

"I collect telegraphy keys and most anything
  related to telegraphy especially old or unusual
  bugs (semi automatic keys).  Please email or
  call toll free 888-848-1572 if you have anything
  to sell or trade!"

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