Harry Flasher hflasher at dayton.net
Tue May 23 20:59:44 EDT 2000

After being on, then off, I've decided to go to GRENADA for the IARU
contest.  The contest runs 24 hours from 1200 Sat. July 8 to 1200 Sun.
July 9.  I realize that this is rather short notice but should there be
anyone interested in joining with me or perhaps several others, please
contact me.  Based on participation, we have many operating arrangements

For anyone seriously interested please reply directly to me
hflasher at dayton.net  or you can call me at 937-434-9616 most of the time
except Wed. and Fri. AM.

73  Harry   W8KKF   J37K

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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