[CQ-Contest] Re: M/S CQing in CQWW

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Wed Nov 1 17:00:40 EST 2000

If multiple radio CQing in by a multi-single station in CQWW is acceptable, 
then why limit it to just one extra radio?  My station has six operating 
positions, six amplifiers, and six monoband antenna systems.  By the logic 
shown here by the proponents of mult-CQing here on the reflector, there 
should be no reason why my station could not run on one band, and "CQ for 
mults" on the others.  Once I work a mult on a given radio, all the other 
radios would have to turn away or zero point all QSOs, even new mults.  I 
would be in compliance with the ten minute rule.

Of course, at some point this becomes counter-productive when, as someone 
pointed out on the reflector, if you accept an exchange from a mult but 
zero point it you can't go back and work him for credit later.  This 
problem goes away if you refuse to answer stations who are not mults.

No, its not against the rules, but I suspect it is not within the spirit of 
the rules when the CQ Committees formulated the rules many years ago.  Most 
of us know what CQWW multi-single means, one run station, one mult station.

I hope the CQ Committee will see fit to clarify this rule and prohibit 
soliciting multiplier QSOs by mult stations in the multi-single 
category.  Otherwise, as I see it is open season...


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