[CQ-Contest] Slow code

Bob, N5RP n5rp at pdq.net
Wed Nov 8 08:45:41 EST 2000

At 17:43 11/7/00, Kenneth E. Harker wrote:
>I operated in the CW Sweepstakes at N5XU M/S.  I spent hours and
>hours "running" stations way high up in the bands going somewhere around
>15-17 WPM.
>  A majority of the stations answering my CQs did so going faster than
>I was going by at least 5 WPM, many by a margin of 10 WPM or more.  I 
>to ask for a lot of fills and repeats, but I kept at it.
Hi Ken,
I always keep a set of paddles connected up to my rig just so I can 
slow down for you fellows that aren't pretentious enough to act like 
the code whiz they might not be.

As for your getting a lot of replies at a much faster speed than you 
were calling CQ....
Well, what you have discovered is that a lot of contesters cannot 
actually use paddles to send code. They must rely on packet to get the 
call, and a keyboard to load up the call for actual proper code 

Hang in there, and congrats for trying to understand this unique aspect 
of ham radio.

Bob Perring
Amateur Radio Station  N5RP
mailto:N5RP at pdq.net
N5RP Station Page: http://freeweb.pdq.net/perring/station.html
WP2Z '99 CQWW SSB Pictures: http://freeweb.pdq.net/perring/wp2zpix.html

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