[CQ-Contest] Single op assisted

i4jmy at iol.it i4jmy at iol.it
Thu Nov 16 15:26:22 EST 2000

> We do not organise our societies, at least not in liberal 
democracies, to
> suit evil and dishonest people. We accept that they exist but make it 
> they are not liked.
> 73
> Martin VK5GN
>  luther at mail.mdt.net.au

In a liberal society there are laws, but laws are eventually changed or 
upgraded to be reasonably in line with times. This is often due to 
practical reasons but also to prevent a society itself, I mean its 
organization and members, loses its credibility and everything goes 
upside down when a rule becomes inapplicable because out of date and/or 
can't be enforced "as is".
When horses were predominant along roads, cars were a little minority 
and someone had to precede them with a bell, and a red flag or a lamp.
Now, cars and private mobilty is dominant and rules to move on roads 
have made accordingly different than they were at the beginning of the 

Mauri I4JMY

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