[CQ-Contest] Packet pile ups - do we need them?

Gerry Hull windev at inetmarket.com
Tue Nov 28 08:06:53 EST 2000

Martin et al,

I find it interesting that we tend to blame pileup problems 
on the technology.  Poor ops are poor ops.  Packet does not
enhance this situation, but it is not the problem.

However, their is a simple solution.  I don't know why it
has not been mentioned. Paul, K1XM, at P29VPY this past weekend,
used this most excellent time-proven technique: operate split.  
Paul used a 1 KHz split typically, and that was fine.  In a crowded 
contest band, even a few hundred hz will do.

Every modern and not so modern rig can do split. The 
Nintendo/Gameboy/Playstation-playing spot-jockeys won't bother you 
because the software will automatically set the TX freq.  They can
call all day long and it won't stop people from hearing you, or reduce
the run rate.


Gerry, W1VE/VE1RM
Op @ K1IR in WW CW
Op @ VY2SS in WW SSB

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