[CQ-Contest] AP Sprint dates

James 9V1YC jamesb at pacific.net.sg
Fri Oct 13 02:05:57 EDT 2000

A bunch of people e-mailed me after my last post and asked why the
Asia-Pacific Sprint is on the Sunday 15th this year - and not the 21st as
published in some magazines.  Actually - it is *always* the 3rd Sunday of
October - has been for 6 years.  See: http://jsfc.org/apsprint/

Anyway, once again:

Sunday 15 Oct, 0000z-0200z  15/20m CW  (thats Saturday evening for those of
you in North America)

see you on the bands,


Pirates, Shipwrecks, Wildlife and Pileups!  The DX Adventure Continues!
"FO0AAA Clipperton Island" - The Official DXpedition Video
Available on VHS now!  http://home.pacific.net.sg/~jamesb

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