[CQ-Contest] Getting Kids into Contesting

George Fremin III - K5TR geoiii at loja.kkn.net
Thu Oct 19 20:55:43 EDT 2000

> Kids don't know what radio sounds like. I wish someone would upload
> highlights of their contest audio as .mp3's to their site. When I 

Here are a few.

The first hour of SS SSB 1999.
About 3.2 Mb in size.

Some good two radio action - might sound best on headphones
About 1.2 Mb 

My fastest 10 minutes from the 1999 ARRL 10m contest.
About 5.1 Mb

The above sound pretty good, this one is a lower quality recording.

Fastest 10 minutes from the 2000 ARRL SSB DX contest from HC8N.
About 3.1 Mb

Have fun.


George Fremin III                 
Johnson City, Texas             "Experiment trumps theory." 
K5TR (ex.WB5VZL)                            -- Dave Leeson W6NL
geoiii at kkn.net                             

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