[CQ-Contest] Revised ARRL CW results

Tom Frenaye frenaye at pcnet.com
Tue Oct 24 20:02:49 EDT 2000

At 07:57 AM 10/24/2000 -0400, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:

>Bravo to the ARRL for fixing the results and publishing the revised
>numbers, but why on Earth were they made available only to ARRL members?
>After all, the software problems affected DX entrants as well...
>I've written to N1ND suggesting they fix this, but am now thinking it may
>be beyond his control, and maybe more of a groundswell is needed.

Dan had it posted in the contest section today so anyone should be able to 
see the corrected results now:


                         -- Tom

e-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com    YCCC --> http://www.yccc.org/
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093 Phone: 860-668-5444

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