[CQ-Contest] CQWW

V.Kecman kk at cg.yu
Thu Oct 26 11:13:19 EDT 2000

Bob Cox wrote:
"unsportsmanlike conduct" such as
> running excess power which we define as more than 1500 w output on any
> the use of packet by a non-assisted entrant or self-spotting by those
> packet .  Contesting depends on the  fair competitive spirit of all
> participants.

I failed to detect this power limit in CQWW RULES. Therefore, I wonder if
this posting to cq-contest reflector has any serious meaning? Being part of
newborn democratic Serbia, I'm little too sensitive about certain democratic
institutions, like Contest Rules, and the people who are (in charge of)
defining  whatever is NOT STATED in the rules.
Please add this definition to the rules, and do not make me think that
Contest Director is beyond Contest Rules, or is he?

73 Kele
(Callsign anonymous, but known to the reflector owner, some implications may

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