[CQ-Contest] November CQ, CQ Contest, and Nov./Dec QEX arrive

K4tmc at aol.com K4tmc at aol.com
Mon Oct 30 21:41:36 EST 2000

A stop by the PO box this morning was a real treat.  After having been out of 
town on business last week, and staying home Friday to get ready for the 
weekend's CQWW SSB, there was a large backlog of mail.  First there was the 
latest CQ, CQ Contest, and QEX, and second, two fishing magazines.  So, what 
is in the latest mags…


Front cover photo of WI5W with some of his homebrewed equipment, with a 1/3 
page write-up inside.

Contest related items:
CN8WW and the CQ WW, How the Records Fell! (re the 99 CQ WW effort)
Antennas column - Slopers, The Lowest Cost Directional Antennas?, Part II
Rules - 2001 CQ WW 160 Meter DX Contest
Beginner's Corner column - Contests
Contesting column - 2000 CQ Contest Survey Results
Propagation column - CQ WW DX CW Contest Weekend Mostly Low Normal

Other interesting items:
Zero Bias (editorial) - The FCC, Kenwood, and Restrictive Covenants
Amateur Satellites column - Working the International Space Station
CQ Reviews - Alinco DM-330MV Switching Power Supply
The Coming Revolution in Ham Radio, Part II
Washington Readout column - Mystery and Intrigue at the IARU
CQ Book Review - "Riding the Airwaves with Alfa and Zulu", for the kids
Bhutan, The Story Behind the Story (A51TY and A52JS)
Low-Impedance, Parallel, Square-Conductor Transmission Lines
Ham Net "Netiquette"
How It Works column - An Introduction to Mixers, Ifs, and Detectors
Math's Notes column - Digital Filters
What's New column - MFJ-269 SWR analyzer, and CAL-AV Labs' 30-M antennas
DX column - Comoros, D68C, and a picture of the SK0UX club members
Awards column - pictures of the awards are now in color!
Op Ed column - It's Time for Another Preemption (regulating the RF spectrum)

CQ Communications has the updated "The Vertical Antenna Handbook" by Paul 
Lee, N6PL, and its 'on sale now'.   Also, the 2001-02 calendars are available.

And now, on to CQ Contest…

Front cover photo of K3WW in his well-equipped shack, with more details 

Feature articles:
CQ WW DX CW 1999 Expanded Results
Taming the Paper Tiger, Tackling the QSL Backlog at KC1XX
CQ WW CW All-Time World and Continental Records
CQ WW CW All-Time Zone Leaders 1999

The Band Edge (editorial) - Patterns
A Conversation with - N5KO, Trey Garlough
CQ Contest Station Registry
Monthly Collectible - IARU Headquarters Abbreviations
In The Beginning - 9K2HN, Hamad
VHF Contest Forum - An Analysis of the July Auroral Storm
CQ WW Contest Clubs

And lastly, some interesting items from QEX…

Feature articles:
On the SSW Path and 160-Meter Propagation (by NM7M)
The Quad Antenna Revisited, Part 3, Multi-Element Quads (W4MB)
Conductors for HF Antennas (N6LF)

That's all!

Hope everyone did well in the CQWW SSB.

Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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