[CQ-Contest] TCG CW Sprint team

Scott Robbins w4pa at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 5 10:30:02 EDT 2000

Tennessee Contest Group has a couple of open slots 
for our CW Sprint team for this Saturday.  If you're
interested in joining us for this one fire off an
email to w4pa at yahoo.com

Scott Robbins, W4PA

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>From Timo" <timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi  Tue Sep  5 17:17:22 2000
From: Timo" <timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi (Timo)
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 19:17:22 +0300
Subject: Vs: [CQ-Contest] Exisiting Penalty System is Working Very Well
References: <018801c0174b$cb229080$1810a8c0 at ae327>
Message-ID: <007401c0175b$d31c8ba0$97dbe5c1 at tklimoff>

> This is a significant improvement from past years when certain
> "winners" had 25% or more, of the callsigns in their logs copied
> incorrectly!

It has been a mystery to me since 3-point-qso penalty came effective, why the old CQWW records are still valid.
Especially when some old record-breaking results could be 25% lower today!
IMHO: New rules - new records.

CU all in WAE SSB 

73 Timo OH1NOA @OH1F

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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