[CQ-Contest] Submitting Logs with limited entries

Bruce Lifter wt4i at brevard.net
Thu Sep 7 22:24:07 EDT 2000

KB3PC writes:>
> I sometimes participate in a contest for a short while to get some
> QSO. However, I do not submit my entry since there are very few
> contacts. Am I causing anyone to lose points because the QSO with me
> cannot be verified?

The way I read it, the folks you work are not penalized for your not
submitting the log. I guess you could actually do them more potential harm
by turning in a log. Maybe the high scoring entrants should encourage
the casual operators to not submit a log. This way there would be less
penalties, less work for the log checkers, and less magazine
subscriptions? :-)

I must be the CW and SSB contetesters dream contact. In a CW or SSB contest,
I typically work 40 or 50 random contacts, always make sure they get my call
correct, and never turn in a log.

73, Bruce WT4I

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