[CQ-Contest] Re: Sprint QSO completion

doug smith w9wi at bellsouth.net
Mon Sep 11 06:06:43 EDT 2000

CQ Contest Digest wrote:
> From: Bill Fisher - W4AN <w4an at contesting.com>
> Last night I worked A LOT of guys who didn't bother to give me
> confirmation of a completed QSO.  I'm now faced with a decision:
> From: "James P. Cassidy" <107770.3462 at compuserve.com> KI7Y
> You are so right Bill but many times as I was dumping my R in there, there
> were 5 guys already calling the station.  I dounbt anyone could hear my
> little R under the thunder.

All too true.  Indeed, on a couple of occasions when I didn't copy some
element of the exchange, I had to retry my fill request because the
other guy couldn't hear it through the callers.

Please, *wait* for the confirmation before calling.  
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66

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