[CQ-Contest] Post-contest review

Monte Stark ku7y at dri.edu
Wed Sep 13 09:39:56 EDT 2000

Hi All,

To me it's a simple thing......

I keep notes on paper during the contest.

I "fix" what I can during the test. (QRPing in things like
the 160m contests give you lots of time for this!)

After the contest I'll "fix" whatever is left on my note

I feel that as long as all I do is use the info I got off
the air during the contest it's OK.

To use ANY outside help, like going to the call book, isn't

Only 12 days to retirement, but who's counting?  :-) And
having your office on the air port where the Reno Air
Races are being held helps those go by faster!


73, Ron

.........KU7Y.....ARCI #8829.....Monte "Ron" Stark.....
....ku7y at qsl.net....SOC #2.......Nevada....NRA LIFE....
.....SOWP 5545M.......WHINERS #1........ZOMBIE #18.....
....Visit my Home Page.....http://www.qsl.net/ku7y/....

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>From Marijan Miletic" <s56a at bit.si  Wed Sep 13 19:35:25 2000
From: Marijan Miletic" <s56a at bit.si (Marijan Miletic)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 18:35:25 -0000
Subject: [CQ-Contest] KL7RA answers N2AA
Message-ID: <000501c01db1$6374f4c0$73b7bdc1 at pentium>

Doug, KR2Qrp wrote:

>2.  It doesn't really matter, because you are not allowed to CHANGE any
>callsign in your log AFTER the contest anyway!  Yes, that has been published
>several times.  When the contest is over, the contest is over.

You must be joking!  There are some contest club meetings organised by the
reputable member of CQ WW comitee on Monday in order to clarify the callsigns

73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU

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