[CQ-Contest] Young people.

Marty N5NW at midsouth.rr.com
Mon Sep 18 18:51:52 EDT 2000

>> > http://www.collegiatechampionship.org/
>> As has the School Club Roundup that is conducted each February and the Kid's
>> Day Contests.

About 10 years ago, I suggested to the ARRL CAC that a school competition
(complete with state and national champions) would bolster the ranks of
younger people entering the hobby.  I got a nice letter of support from one
CAC member, but the idea was not pursued.

With the proper press, and rules that make sense, I think it could be an
excellent opportunity.  NAQP or sprints might be good contest formats to use,
if not during the actual contest.  State winners could be invited to
participate in a WRTC-type contest for a national champtionship.

Marty, N5NW
Lakeland (Memphis), Tennessee                       http://marty.w.tripod.com/
N5NW at midsouth.rr.com

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