[CQ-Contest] Sept/Oct NCJ and QEX arrive

K4tmc at aol.com K4tmc at aol.com
Wed Sep 20 19:26:26 EDT 2000

NCJ - 
Front cover photos of SP2FAX in his shack, and SP7GIQ standing in front of 
one of his many quad antennas.  SP2FAX uses yagis; and thus the subject of a 
feature article inside - quads versus yagis.

Feature articles:
The Polish Yagis vs Quads Big Gun Shootout
WRTC-2000, The S582A Story (K1AR/K1DG)
WRTC Memories
Memories of My First JOTA (Jamboree On The Air)
ARRL Phone Sweepstakes and the Kids
To Contest - Covenants Be Damned
Antennas with Gain and Bandwidth for 80 and 160 Meters (Bruce arrays)
NCJ Profiles - Jay Allen, VY1JA
Guyed vs Self-Supporting Towers

International Contests - Bosnia and Herzegovina Contesting Revealed; N. 
American results for JIDX 99 Phone, 99 Worked All Germany (WAG), and 99 SP DX
Contest Tips, Tricks & Techniques - State QSO Parties, Part 2
VHF-UHF Contesting - Lots of 6-Meter DX in the June 2000 VHF QSO Party
Contest DX-Ventures - On the road to Belize; Contest DXpedition List; 
Dxpediton Destinations, Operating from Palau, T88
Contesting for Fun - State QSO Party operations
RTTY Contesting - The March 2000 NCJ RTTY Sprint
Propagation - The Importance of 40 Meters in DX Contests
Contest Calendar - September to December 2000 (interestingly, this years JOTA 
is not listed)

Contest Results:
Results - March 2000 NCJ RTTY Sprint

Also received in the mail today was the latest issue of QEX.  Of special note 
to contesters are these four articles:

1. Narrow Band-Pass Filters for HF, Band-pass filters can be critical 
components in competitive stations (W0IYH)
2. An Improved Switched-Capacitor Filter (BA1HAM)
3. RF - Feeding a Dipole with TV Twin Lead (W1VT)
4. Tech Notes - Lightweight Resonant-Trap Baluns (K1BQT)

Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC

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