[CQ-Contest] Off time rationale

Patrick Barkey PBARKEY at gw.bsu.edu
Fri Sep 22 10:05:48 EDT 2000

I am not a fan of off-times during contests.  However, in
recognition of their continued existence and obvious
popularity with some, here are at least two rationale:

(a) equalization of opportunity

In a 48 hour contest, if Area A has propagation to high
density ham populations for 44 hours, and Area B has
propagation for 36 hours, then limiting operating time to
36 hours makes the competition potentially open to both

This was dramatically evidenced by the WPX contest.
When the operating time was 30 hours, the west coast US
stations were competitive.  Not so anymore.

(b) disaster recovery

With off time, events like thunderstorms, amplifier explosions,
etc., do not have the same devastating effect they may have
had otherwise.  The storms during the WRTC 2000 are an
example of this coming into play.

   - Pat

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>From Timo" <timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi  Fri Sep 22 15:21:07 2000
From: Timo" <timo.klimoff at kolumbus.fi (Timo)
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 17:21:07 +0300
Subject: [CQ-Contest] SAC SSB next weekend!
Message-ID: <00b701c024a0$5bc24700$b4dbe5c1 at tklimoff>

Come and say hello! Work Scandinavians on 80m thru 10m, send RS+serial number starting from 001

Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB portion next weekend Sat 1200z - Sun 1200z  - good conditions promised ;=)

73 Timo OH1NOA
from O

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