[CQ-Contest] CC&R Category

Rick Bullon kc5ajx at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 25 09:19:07 EDT 2000

>>So, I believe it would be a very good idea to include a category in the
>all contests for people living under CC&R's.  Something that would read
>like this...
>CC&R Category Low Power & QRP - Stations must not be greater than 1 acre
>in size and must be made up entirely of wire antennas or single element
>commercial antennas such as multi-band verticals.
>or similar.
Hey Bill
Do I qualify if I don't have any antennas on the rest of my 5 acres of 
boonies HI HI Just kidding with ya
I don't anything wrong with different categories in a contest. You can look 
at it as several mini contests within the main contest. If you feel you are 
getting nowhere in one category or can't improve anymore then try a 
different one,  after all how many have many ops have gone from SO LP SB to 
SO LP AB to SO HP AB to SO2R or to QRP? The way I look at it there is always 
new to try or to strive for.
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