[CQ-Contest] ionospheric absorption not heating

Tree N6TR tree at kkn.net
Wed Apr 4 10:24:07 EDT 2001

N7DF writes:

 > The real factor in the anomalous change in signal strength between =
 > qrp/qro signals is attributable to a threshold level of absorption in =
 > the ionosphere.  When the level of ionization drops below a certain =
 > level, a signal must exceed the absorption potential before it will be =
 > refracted and intercepted by ground based stations.  This is easily =
 > noticeable during band opening and closing periods where stations with =
 > exceptionally tight beam signals break through with loud signals while =
 > the majority of stations are not even heard.

Interesting.  If that is the case - would you be able to hear some
non-linearity on a SSB signal?  Also, if a strong station is near
the frequency of a QRP station, would they be affected?  What if they
were on the same frequency?  Sort of like biasing a diode - so that all
signals will pass.

73 N6TR SS

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