[CQ-Contest] Attention Station Builders: There is Still Time

Pete Smith n4zr at contesting.com
Tue Apr 17 14:17:20 EDT 2001

Although my original April 15 target for collecting material on innovative
station designs has passed, I still need lots more to fill out my Dayton
presentation, so that it will be truly representative of the state of the
contest station-builder's art, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Right now, the U.S. west coast is underrepresented, as is the rest of the
world outside the U.S.  I know there are a number of super stations out
there -- W6EEN, N6RO, W7RM, NK7U are a few from the western U.S. that come
to mind.  QRZ Black Hole?

Internationally, how about the likes of 9A7A, the big OK and OH stations,
TM2C, PY0FF, and ZW5B?  The LU gang, and the big sigs from TI, OA, and HC?
What about RW2F and the rest of the Russian big guns?  Surely the JA and VK
contingents have some good things to share?

Does your station have something to teach the rest of us, in terms of its
design or execution?  Do you know someone who may not read this reflector,
but whose station should be covered?  Send me your photos, your block
diagrams, your words .....

I really do need to have everything within the next week or ten days, to
give me time to finish up the presentation.  So send it in!  If you don't
have digital pictures, I can scan and return -- mail to Rt. 1, Box 459,
Kearneysville, WV 25430-9778.

Thanks, everyone, for your help!

73, Pete N4ZR
Contesting is!

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