[CQ-Contest] 2001 Michigan QSO Party This Weekend

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Wed Apr 18 00:26:56 EDT 2001

On the contesting schedule for this weekend is the 2001 MICHIGAN QSO PARTY,
sponsored by the Mad River Radio Club.  This event offers an exciting
operating exercise over a Saturday without tying up an entire
weekend.  Work QSOs on both phone and CW while chasing Michigan county
multipliers with exotic names which reflect the state's rich Indian heritage.

Full rules, along with free logging software, log and summary sheets, are
available on the MRRC web site at http://www.qsl.net/mrrc/mqp.html.  In brief:

Period:      From 1600Z April 21 until 0400Z April 22

Band/Modes:  Phone and CW on 80/40/20/15/10 meters
               Work stations once per band and mode.

Categories:  Single-op, multi-op, and mobile categories for MI stations,
               single-op for non-MI.   High, low, and QRP power.

Exchange:    QSO number plus location county for MI stations,
               state/province or "DX" for others).

Scoring:     Work a station once per band-mode

               One point per phone QSO, two points per CW QSO

Multipliers: MI counties for all entries, plus states & provinces
               for MI entries only.  Count multipliers once per mode.

Mail logs no later than 30 days after the contest to:

Mad River Radio Club,
c/o Dave Pruett
2727 Harris Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48198
or via e-mail to MQP at contesting.com.



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