[CQ-Contest] Does Dayton hurt the WPX CW Contest?

Jeffrey Clarke ku8e1 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 18 08:06:06 EDT 2001

  W4AN wrote :

   So I'm just wondering...  Has the Dayton Hamvention move to the
weekend before WPX CW hurt the contest attendance?  Is anyone else
missing the WPX who might have otherwise operated because of Dayton?


  Since I live only 60 miles from Dayton it's like a local hamfest
for me... but I have to admit I have been limiting myself to just
going over on just Saturday ( and sometimes Friday) for the past
few years since I got married (and had kids)....Plus my little boy's
birthday is on May 21st... lucked out this year because that is the
Monday after Dayton weekend !!! But it will probably not be an every
year thing for me any longer when we move south later this year....

  I can understand how Bill feels because I limit my activity much more
than I did before I was married... even though my wife is VERY
understanding about my contesting addiction...

  I doubt that the Hamvention hurts activity in WPX . I was talking to
N8BJQ not long ago and mentioned to him that all the CQ contests on CW
are always on a holiday weekend and it would be nice if they could be
rotated with the SSB contests every once in awhile. His response was
that - Yes, they are on an holiday weekend but it's an AMERICAN holiday
and surprisingly the majority of the entries for CQ WPX (and CQWW
DX)are from outside of the USA anyway.... so they don't see the need to
do this...

                                  73's Jeff

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