[CQ-Contest] WX0B SO2R Box

Barry Kutner w2up at mindspring.com
Sat Apr 28 01:24:23 EDT 2001

Another option is building something yourself. In my opinion, that's
part of the fun of station design.
I built a little box that switches receive audio (including sub-
receivers), and when radio A is in xmit, both ears are automatically
switched to radio B (and vice versa). It cost under $20 in parts,
including the box.
I submitted this to NCJ around the end of last year. I don't know
how backlogged they are for small articles, but Dennis told me it
will be in there one of these days...
If you're interested, here is a preview:

For the paranoid (which includes me), this is an MS-Word
document containing text and graphics. There are no macros used,
so you can trust the content, if your browser gives you any

73 Barry W2UP

On 27 Apr 01, Bill Fisher W4AN wrote:

 > I just took delivery of my WX0B SO2R box this past week and wanted to
 > comment that this thing looks really GREAT.  Very professional looking and
 > includes features that I did not even think of supporting, but that make
 > sense (like sub-receiver audio support).
 > I won't get a chance to test it for awhile, but if you are looking for a
 > method of managing two radios I believe this would be a very good one.
 > I did notice that N3RD has developed a box for the same function.  I've
 > had very good luck with Dave's products too.  So there are options.
 > Array Solutions:  http://www.arraysolutions.com
 > TopTen Devices:  http://www.qth.com/topten
 > I've also added the TopTen SO2R on eHam.net Product Reviews if anyone else
 > would like to add reviews or read them:
 > http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/1489
 > I'll let Dave or someone else add the TopTen Device SO2R box to eHam in
 > the same area if they like.
 > 73
 > Bill
 > --
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Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up at mindspring.com
Newtown, PA         FRC         alternate: barry at w2up.wells.com

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