[CQ-Contest] 3 QSO penalty

Joe Pontek v31jp at logical123.net
Sat Aug 4 05:13:10 EDT 2001

If you do it, claim that everyone does it........

The proponents of the 3 point penalty always claim it is a
guessing deterrent. There are too many reasons that a call or
an exchange is busted besides guessing. Unnoticed QSB, a noise
spike that pumps your AGC, etc.
Just like NILs. The other op can not zero beat the op he is working
above or below you. The guy below or above you is in sync with you.
You sign, he calls, you answer and give the exchange, he gives his exchange,
you log, QRZ again. He may call you, but again, off your frequency.
You do not hear him. NIL.

A guy works you, he screws up his logging and does not correct it,
or maybe, does not even notice it.

I have one 5-Lander that I seem to get between 2 to 3 NILs from each
ARRL test. Big signal, good op, but I have yet to figure why.

I DO NOT guess. The 3 point penalty is not a deterent, but it sure
upsets me that the sponsors seem to support the idea that I do guess.
If I am not sure, it is not logged.

So, would you GUESSERS stuff it where you sit in the next contest and
quit claiming that the rest of us do guess!

3 QSO penalty for a busted call - OK. 1 QSO penalty for NIL, i.e. loss
of the QSO. Log checkers, quit GUESSING if the unique is valid or not.

Best regards de K8Joe"Palooka" & Beverly
Joe & Bev Pontek, Sr.
26441 Devaney Road
Arcadia, IN 46030-9532
FOC 1743  FISTS 7625
Read the "Contest Traveler" in The National Contest Journal
also: k8jp at arrl.net & v31jp at contesting.com

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