[CQ-Contest] prejudicial language retorts

Bill Coleman aa4lr at arrl.net
Fri Aug 24 16:29:04 EDT 2001

On 8/18/01 9:20 PM, Bill Tippett at btippett at alum.mit.edu wrote:

>        In my opinion, the CQ 160 SSB is the most disruptive contest
>of any amateur contest on any band...and I have personal experience
>with most of them.  

Bill, I don't understand what would satisfy you. You seem to be saying 
you don't want anyone to do any operating on any band that would be in 
any way disruptive to your use of the amatuer frequencies.

That's a great pipe dream, but it's not reality. The reality is that 
amatuer radio is a large hobby full of people with diverse interests, and 
sometimes those interests collide. It's up to us as amatuers to learn to 
work it out together. In the immortal words of Rodney King: "Can't we all 
just get along?"

>        So what is the unique problem with the CQ 160 SSB?  Simply
>stated there is NO place for a CW operator to hide.  Contrary to what
>K8MR implied, SSB does not stop at 1820...it goes all the way down to

Why can't the CW operator head up to the 1990-2000 kHz? CW is permitted 
EVERYWHERE in the band. Rather than try to hug the lower band limit, why 
not hug the UPPER band limit. There's much less likelihood of running 
into SSB interference up there.

>This is the only contest I am aware of that truly forces a CW
>op to turn off his radio for the entire weekend as responses on this
>reflector have already indicated. 

I disagree. I believe there are frequencies available which could be 
used. They may be different from the frequencies available the other 51 
weekends of the year, but they are there.

>there is NO other contest
>that generates more ill-will toward contesting than this one. 

I dunno. I hung out on the TEN-X reflector for a while, and there was a 
lot of grumbling about CQWW Phone, SS Phone and ARRL 10m.

I think the big problem in this area is that non-contestors are not aware 
the contests are coming. They suddenly face a horde of operators all 
activating the band. A few of them take umbrage, and they are the noisy 
ones you hear from.

>I'm here to tell you that we DO have a serious problem with
>the CQ 160 SSB that should not be ignored, because it IS hurting
>contesting in my opinion. 

I have a solution. For the CQ 160 SSB contest, all 160m CW operators 
should move to 1950-2000 kHz, where they will face little interference.

Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail: aa4lr at arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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