[CQ-Contest] Re: K4OJ's problem

Matt & Carrie Trott aa7bg at 3rivers.net
Tue Dec 18 00:39:10 EST 2001

I had 62 dupes in a log of 1700+ q's.  One guy called me 4 times! I had
several people call me to tell me I was a dupe! That's a good one. I'd send
my report knowing we'd worked before and they'd comeback with "B4" or
"dupe." Got a chuckle out of those. I guess they just wanted to let me know
I was still getting out.

I'd love to know how many cards the bureau handles for K7DG/KZ6G/KB6G, etc.
for qsos I've made. I hope not a lot, but I have to wonder. I guess it makes
up for the multitude of cards that get misdirected to me for Brett/VR2BG and
VQ9GB/K7GB. I get a lot of those because someone made a typo in a DX
newsletter somewhere I suspect.

> Of course then there are all the guys who can't send code sending ---...
> (even on repeats which I usually guess as an "8"...but it could be a "7")
> and this inevitably happens when they are weak to boot!

The ones I can do without are..  where he's REALLY weak, and you're not sure
you got the call, so you send "UR CALL DX0XD OK?".  Rather than sending "R"
or "YES" or "QSL", he sends "DX0XD DX0XD DX0XD".  Or, "DX0XD DK0XD DX0XB"...
Did seem to be an unusual number of dupes worked this year.
Doug Smith W9WI
Pleasant View (Nashville), TN EM66

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