[CQ-Contest] WP2Z available for ARRL DX CW

K7bv at aol.com K7bv at aol.com
Fri Feb 2 13:10:34 EST 2001

Hi Gang,
I hate it when my work interferes with my hobby but sadly it has happened
again. I am reluctantly cutting myself loose from my ties to WP2Z which means
my ARRL DX CW reserved slot is available this year.

There are two tribanders up and a 2el 40 fixed on the States at this time.
Wires are down there for the lower bands.

If you would like to go down and have a run at a win in the contest this
year, quickly drop an email to Randy Woodman, the owner, via email
rwoodman at mc.net

73 Dennis the Menace K7BV

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