[CQ-Contest] Today's Radios

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat Feb 3 13:15:57 EST 2001

In a message dated 2/3/2001 11:14:13 AM Eastern Standard Time,
W4EF at dellroy.com writes:

 > A neat mod for the C-Line or TS-830 that would make them more
 >  compatible with the modern contesting environment would be to
 >  add band decoders to them so that Trlog, et al could follow the band
 >  switch setting. This would also allow for automatic control of
 >  bandpass  filters and the like. I think W8FN did something like this
 >  to his TS-830 back in the late 80's by adding an extra wafer to the
 >  bandswitch (I think he extended the switch shaft thru the back of
 >  the rig)

I'm not sure how many people are about to chuck their MP's to get a TS-830,
but anyway:

Can the logging programs be set up to take a contact closure and turn it into
band information?  I thought they worked on the digital frequency information
from the modern radios.

On my TS-830 I added a modification that would pick off a voltage from the
bandswitch ( I think it went to the HF oscillator), and with the appropriate
diodes and a 2N2222 switching transistor, activate a relay if I was on 40 or
15.  The relay would route the RF and control lines to one of two amplifiers,
giving an almost instantaneous bandchange (you still had to peak the
preselector and tuning controls). The same principle could be used to switch
bandpass filters, antennas, etc.

If anyone is still interested I could dig up more detailed information.

73  -  Jim  K8MR 

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