[CQ-Contest] call sign in contests

Ron Wetjen wd4ahz at gte.net
Mon Feb 12 04:40:22 EST 2001

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Bill Turner wrote:

 > Not only that, but it's one less letter for the other guy to get
 > wrong.

Maybe I'm wrong, but in a contest, aren't we supposed to be testing ones
operating skill (to go quickly) and ones operating ability (to copy
callsigns correctly)?  Does this mean having a shorter call is a benefit
to OTHER people so THEY can copy it easier?

If I know someone has my call wrong (which is why you should ALWAYS send
the call of the guy you're working before the report.  That takes extra
time, I know - but you won't have my call wrong and get dinged for it),
I'll correct them so they at least have a chance to fix it ... it not,
that's their problem.  It shouldn't be the 2X3's responsibilty to get a
shorter call to make it easier for everyone else.

Just an opinion from a 2X3 who does OK depite the handicap.

CU all next weekend!


One of the W1AW/4 Crew - IARU/WRTC-2000

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