[CQ-Contest] Stations in ARRL DX CW 10M on Sunday

Bill Fisher W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Fri Feb 23 17:20:32 EST 2001

I'm trying to find out what the following stations were using on 10 meters
during the ARRL DX CW contest on Sunday.  I would appreciate knowing the

1) What radio & amplifier
2) Were you using QSK, PTT, or VOX ?



HA3A    HA4FF   HA5MK/7 HG6N    HG8Z    K0RF    K1AM
K1GW    K1KI    K1RM    K1XM    K1ZZ    K2UA    K3CR
K3LR    K3NM    K4WI    K5RX    K5YAA   K8AX    K9MA
K9NS    KB1H    KC1XX   KG9X    KR1G    LY5W    N2LT
N3RS    N4AO    N7KU    NA4K    RZ3A    S52ZW   SP8NR
UA3AB   VE3EJ   W0AIH   W2EN    W3FV    W3LPL   W3PP
W4AN    W4KZ    W4KZ    W4MR    W4NF    W4ZV

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