[CQ-Contest] LR vs LPL

Bill Fisher W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Sun Feb 25 17:33:35 EST 2001

I was at K1EA's station at the bottom of the last cycle for CQWW CW and
the differences between here and there are more pronounced than a sunset
time would indicate.  I believe that their proximity to darkness makes an
even bigger difference.  I believe the year we were up there we could have
worked Europeans on 40 meters every hour of the contest.  We started
running on 40M at 18:30Z and could have done so earlier.  There is simply
no way for me to do that down here with essentially the same antenna for 3
or 4 hours later.  Yet sunset time is only 60 mins different at the
most.  So, sunset times do tell part of the story, but not all.  Proximity
to darkness is also an indicator.

Bill Fisher

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