[CQ-Contest] Whats happened to DE ???

Tom Osborne w7why at harborside.com
Tue Feb 27 02:35:27 EST 2001

Dale L Martin wrote:
 >But, as soon as I hear the other station, I stop and, just as 
he >finishes his callsign and if the CQ station
 > hasn't responded, I jump in with my call.  Seems to work more than I 
actually think it should.

Hi Dale

That is a great way to do it.  Trying to be first is a waste of
time.  There are 10 other stations doing the same thing.  I like
to wait a couple of seconds, then send my call.  Lots of times
the station comes back to "HY?", then goes on with the exchange.
Best to be last than try to be first!  73

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