[CQ-Contest] August 2000 NAQP SSB Results

Bruce Horn bhorn at hornucopia.com
Thu Jan 18 20:55:06 EST 2001


The results of the August 2000 NAQP SSB Contest will be published in the
Mar-Apr 2001 issue of the NCJ, but are available now in pdf format on the
NCJ web site at:


Please remember to pre-register your teams for the NAQP SSB contest this
weekend before the start of the contest. Team registrations and logs should
be e-mailed to:

ssbnaqp at ncjweb.com

Looks like everyone had a great time in last weekend's CW NAQP, so expect
more of the same this weekend.

To avoid unnecessary score reductions, make sure that your submitted log
includes the QTH for all QSOs with North American stations. A blank QTH is
only acceptable for QSOs with stations outside of North America. You may
need to check the configuration of your contest logging program to insure
that it properly logs the exchange.

Have fun!

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at hornucopia.com)

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