[CQ-Contest] ARRL DX SSB...

Jacob Lauser hyperion at seds.lpl.arizona.edu
Wed Jan 24 19:37:02 EST 2001

Hello! I've been a ham for about 6 years now, but I've only recently
gotten into contesting. As someone new to this part of the hobby I was
wondering if anyone out there might be willing to work with me to develop
my contesting skills? I'm a 21 year old college student who lives in the
San Francisco Bay Area and I'm looking to multi-op in the ARRL DX SSB
contest this March 3-4. I would prefer to stay close to home (within 500
miles) somewhere in the Pacific Northwest (Northern California, Oregon,
Washington, Nevada area, but I'm as flexible as my car and gas budget
allow! ;) So, if anyone feels like showing the ropes to a contesting
hopeful and needs another op, then please drop me and e-mail! Thanks for
your time...

Jake Lauser (KK7GP)
hyperion at seds.org
Martinez, CA

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