Fabio Grisafi IT9GSF fgrisafi at tin.it
Wed Jul 4 00:48:23 EDT 2001

Hello fellows Contesters,

we are planning a major effort for the coming CQWW season. You will know about past CQWW SSB Multi Multi efforts as IG9A from Lampedusa Island, North Africa, by the Marconi Contest Club in the 1999 and 2000 editions. Also we set multi CQWW records on low bands as single ops....
IG9/IV3TAN on 160 and 80 and IG9GSF on 40 mts.

This year we wish to organize a multi national team.... to take part both the RTTY, SSB and CW contests.

If you are interested please drop a note to my e-mail address fgrisafi at tin.it

We think to operate as Multi Op/Single TX with a Multi Multi setup if operators will be <10 in number or Multi Multi for the SSB/CW if operators will be >10.

Antennas in Lampedusa are the best full size six elements yagi long boom by I4JMY/IT9EQO for 15 and 20 meters (two per band stacked), three 105CA 5 over 5 over 5 on 10 Meters, a 3 el. Yagi for 40 meters, two 3 elements wire yagis and a full size vertical on 75/80 meters and a top loaded
20 meters high vertical for 160 plus several beverages but we have to put all antennas on tower be4 the RTTY contest and to dismantle them after the CW Contest as salty weather destroys antennas during winter.

Prices for bed/food will be in the order of 30 US$ per day, plus an amount for normal expences.  You can reach the island by plane (250 US$ F/B from Rome, 150US$ F/B from Palermo) or by an overnight trip by ship (30 US$ from Sicily).

Other infos if you are seriously interested.

Best 73,
IT9GSF, Fabio.

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