[CQ-Contest] [TCG} NAQP RTTY Teams

Larry Lindblom W0ETC w0etc at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jul 19 00:37:43 EDT 2001

The TCG has now signed on 12 players for NAQP RTTY Teams on July 21.  This
means we will have at least three teams but could use a few more players so
that each team will have five members.

If you are going to operate any or all of this contest and aren't on a team
please consider joining us in this fun event.  We'd love to have you.  If
interested please email me at w0etc at ix.netcom.com

Those signed on so far include:
Full Time Players
W4AUI      TN
W0ETC      IA
W4OX       FL
NY1S        ME
K0CIE       OK

Part Time Players
N4JN        TN
NA6E        CA
W4LC       KY
WM4Q      TN
K4BEV      TN

Remember when you play on a team you score counts twice.  Once in the
individual competition and again in the team competition.

73 W0ETC

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