[CQ-Contest] M/M/M category in contests

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Sun Jul 22 11:10:22 EDT 2001

In a message dated 7/21/01 10:26:02 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
kenkeeler at jazznut.com writes:

>  This distributed multi thing (HQ stations) in IARU seems to be pretty
>  popular. Does this have potential to be a fun category in other contests?
>  I can imagine combining forces with a couple of other SECC club
>  member/stations for this would-be category.
>  Sounds like fun to me.

It is fun for those who do it (HQs), those who don't, have to put up with kW 
alley of perpetual CQers. It was very noticeable at WRTC2000 in Slovenia 
especially on low bands. Us, poor LP - wire stations, had hard time getting 
anything going because all the HQ station were parked across the band 2 kHz 
apart and only CQing their heads off. They have no incentive to go and S&P, 
they are the multiplier, they got big signal, they keep pushing F1 until band 
dies. Rest of the poor slobs try to fit in without much success. It is 
especially bad in Eu, where you have zillion countries, with their HQ 
stations times 6 bands, times two modes. Sure way to poison the contesting 
for the newbies and little pistols.

The idea of M/M/M/Team competition is in the Tesla Cup rules, see
as well as many innovative and refreshing ideas, still exposed to further 
pruning and improvement - the Contester's Contest.

In the middle of passing kidney stones, don't wish this to anybody, 
especially during the contest :-(

73 Yuri, K3BU
 <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/k3bu/TeslaRC.htm">Tesla Radioclub</A> 

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