[CQ-Contest] Computer compatibility question

Dennis Vernacchia n6ki at juno.com
Wed Jun 6 22:47:53 EDT 2001

Inside the 940 you need the IF-10B unit
Outside the 940 Kenwoods level converter is called the IF-232C
(WAY Overpriced but in a nice box)

	There is a unit out by PIEXX that goes in the 940 that
is both units combined BUT I tried two units and
could not get them to work with several versions of CT
and 2 940 radios. I especially had troubke getting the Bandmap
to work. I queried this reflector to ask if anyone ever got a PIEXX
unit to work with a 940 AND CT program and no response.
	I did ask the vendor if he specifically tested his board
with a 940 AND CT and the answer was "NO, but my board does work...."

	If you want ot buy a really nice outboard level converter
get the LCU3-K from W1GEE for under $50. The converter is built into
teh DB-25 that goes to serial port on computer and then a cable exits
that connector and plugs into the accessory jack on your 940...VERY SLICK
(He does sell a pigtail converter cable for $9 or so that adapts you to
a DB-9 for your laptop.

I have no pecuniary interest in any companies mentioned


Dennis Vernacchia N6KI

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001 20:35:41 EDT K7LXC at aol.com writes:
 >Hi, all --
 >     I've got a 940 that I was hoping to get compatible with CT, TR,
 >etc. I've
 >got the Kenwood interface. Is there another unit I need and what is
 >it? I
 >seem to remember there's some sort of level decoder but am a
 >trailing-edge-technology kind of guy and this is not my field. Tnx.
 >Cheers,   Steve   K7LXC
 >Tower Tech
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