[CQ-Contest] Asia-Pacific Sprint this Saturday
James Brooks 9V1YC
jamesb at pacific.net.sg
Sat Jun 9 00:07:15 EDT 2001
For those interested, the 2001 SSB Asia-Pacific Sprint is this Saturday:
********* Saturday, 9 June 2001 1100 - 1300 UTC (15m/20m SSB) ************
Rules (in English): -> http://jsfc.org/apsprint/aprule.txt
Rules (in Japanese): -> http://jsfc.org/apsprint/aprulej.txt
Rules (in Russian): -> http://www.qrz.ru/contest/detail.phtml?id=78
Please remember that all logs must be submitted in English, and in plain
ASCII text if sent by e-mail.
Our main website with all rules, results, and records: ->
You can also get the rules by e-mail from our info-server. Send a request
e-mail to:
info-contest at ne.nal.go.jp
with the command in the body: (must start with # except help)
#get ap-sprint.rule
#get index
All t-shirts and plaques for 1999 and 2000 have now been mailed. (All
Russian winners' plaques are with Harry, RA3AUU in Moscow). Many thanks to
our plaque sponsor CQ Ham Radio (Japan) for their support and fast
production of these super-nice awards. Thanks also to RA3AUU for helping out
with distribution.
See you in the sprint.
james 9v1yc
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