[CQ-Contest] June CQ and July/August CQ Contest arrive

K4tmc at aol.com K4tmc at aol.com
Sat Jun 9 18:36:03 EDT 2001

After being out of town this week on a business trip, I made the side trip to 
the PO Box on the way home from the airport Friday afternoon; found the 
latest CQ and CQ Contest.


Front cover photo of KC6WFS in his shack with lots of vintage 6 Meter 
equipment; and there is a nice write-up inside.

Contest related items:
Results - 2000 CQ WW VHF Contest
Rules - 2001 CQ WW VHF Contest
Four Amateurs Inducted into CQ DX and Contest Halls of Fame
Contesting column - When is Single Operating Really Single Operating?

Other interesting items:
VHF Plus column - Here Came the Sun! (monster solar eruptions = huge auroras)
Inside 6-Meter-Only DXpeditions
Tropo Ducting, Predictable DX Openings on VHF/UHF Bands
Antenna in the Sky…and Power From It (kite antenna and solar powered 
World of Ideas column - Check out 10 AM and FM!
QRP column - Real Radio Fun! (includes how to build a power-plug paddle!)
Beginner's Corner column - Ground
Computers and Internet column - Building Your Own PC
DX column - Solar Flares! 
Propagation column - Biggest Sunspot of Cycle

Alpha Power is back with a 1/3 page ad for their 87A and 99 amplifiers.
Force 12's full page ad includes a picture of their new Sigma-40 vertical.

And, now on to CQ Contest….

Front cover photo of JA0QWO's QTH.

Feature Articles:
WRTC - Onward to 2002!
2000 CQWW DX CW Contest High-Claimed Scores

Regular Columns:
The Band Edge (editorial) - Join The Fun, WRTC-2001(?)
Antennas for Contesting - 40 Meter Yagi Antennas and Stacks, Part 1 (by WX0B)
In The Beginning - Jack, W4NF and Sean, W4MFM, O'Mara
YL Contesting - K5K, Kingman Reef
Up The Tower - Radio Towers and Building Permits, Part 1
Monthly Collectible - 50 MHz Beacons
A Conversation With - John Golomb, N2NC

That's all….

73 & High Rates,
Henry Pollock - K4TMC
Raleigh, NC

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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