[CQ-Contest] Help With Write Log for Field Day

Nat Heatwole heatwole at clark.net
Sat Jun 16 16:17:36 EDT 2001

I'm planning to operate FD 2001 as a 1D, 150w station; however, this appears
to create several logging problems with WL. I've fooled around with WL a
fair amount but haven't been able to get it to score the log correctly for
FD class/power setting that I'm planning to operate. I need it to do the

-Give 1 QSO point for all SSB contacts with A, B, C, and E stations.
-Give 2 QSO points for all CW and Digital contacts with A, B, C, and E
-Give no QSO points for, yet still log, QSO's with other D stations.
Effectively, treat them as dupes. Have them in the log but not counting
towards the score or QSO total.
-Give an overall multiplier of 2 for the 150w power class.

What figures/files do I need to change to achieve all of the above? I've
searched through the program myself but haven't had any luck and time's
running out. I threw this question to the WL Reflector but no luck there
either so I thought I would just go straight to the contesting population.
Any input is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

73, Nat, WZ3AR
<heatwole at clark.net>
Damascus, Maryland

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