[CQ-Contest] CW Keying

k8cc k8cc at mediaone.net
Mon Jun 18 21:22:49 EDT 2001

At 11:18 PM 6/18/01 +0100, k7qq at juno.com wrote:
>I just discovered that the cable I use for CW Keying my FD Radio has
>disappeared.  I have found the CKT for CW keying but need the connections
>to make  NA use the paddle to send also.
>ANYONE  with the digram for a serial Port keying interface  PLEASE  send to
>k7qq at yahoo.com as an attachment.  Juno won't take  attachments for

Unfortunately, my schematic capture program is DOS-based and I can't find a 
way to convert the output into something modern.  However, for what Rex 
needs, a text description will do:

         DB9     DB25

dot      8       5
dash     6       6
pullup   7       4
ground   5       7

Connect the dot paddle to the pins shown above; paddle common goes to 
ground.  Also connect a 10K resistor from the dot and dash inputs to the 
"pullup" pin shown above.

For the record, the CW keying output is pine 4 on a DB9 and 20 on a DB25, 
with the shield connected to ground (as shown above).  You can't use NA's 
PTT output on a COM port with paddles unless you can provide your own 
pullup voltage (a 9V battery would do).  Then the PTT output is on the pin 
marked "pullup".

That's all there is to it.

Dave Pruett, K8CC
DATOM Engineering
datom at contesting.com

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