[CQ-Contest] FT1000 MP V & IC756 Pro Comparison

tombaugh tombaugh at discoverynet.com
Fri Jun 22 08:39:00 EDT 2001

Personal Opinion Barry..

I have been following the 1000MP reflector for a while with curiosity. I'm
not sure at this point if Yaesu has got all the kinks out of it yet.
Additionally based on the test results it may not be as good as the
original. I own an older 1000MP not the Mark V.
One thing that bothers me about both radios (for home use) is the lack of
built in power supply. Yea, I know a power supply is no big deal but.. at
these prices everything should be included and a seperate supply just
clutters the desk don't you think? I've also had the opportunity to see
demonstrations and also use (for only one weekend) the 756 Pro. It seems to
be newer technology but you'd think with that they'd provide easy computer
interface and they don't. The menu system, although well laid out will take
some time to become fluent at I would image. I own a 706 and I'm familiar
with this type of menu driven technology but it is sometimes cumbersome.

Good Luck,
Tom Baugh

----- Original Message -----
From: Barry <zl2rr at yahoo.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT1000 MP V & IC756 Pro Comparison

> I would appreciate comments on the FT1000 MP MkV versus the IC756 Pro
> with regards to contesting and general hamming from an home location.
> Just thinking on up-grading!
> Please - comments only to
>  zl2rr at infogen.net.nz
> Many thanks
> Barry Stewart ZL2RR
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